This year, we’re raising funds for some incredible projects. We aim to upgrade our technology in classrooms, build new learning centers in the Media Center, and enhance our outdoor areas.
Our ambitious goal? We want to raise $55,000! And here’s the exciting part: we’ve got amazing school-wide and individual incentives to get everyone pumped!

For instance, if we hit:

  • $5,000: Every student gets T-shirts and Sunglasses! 😎
  • $15,000: It’s Dress up as a Community Helper Day! πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ
  • $25,000: Pajama Day for all students! πŸŒ™
  • $30,000: The Ranger Walk turns into a Color Run! 🌈
  • $35,000: We’ll have Tie-Dye Ranger Walk Shirts after the event! πŸŒ€
  • $40,000: Get ready for Ranger Games with a Teacher Competition! πŸ†
  • $45,000: Slime Time! 🍡
  • $55,000: Our grand finale, a Foam Field Day! πŸŽ‰

Getting involved is super easy. Just visit and click the “Register” button. Customize your page, then share it with friends and family to start receiving donations.

Remember, your student MUST be registered to earn credit for donations. And select your Ranger to get credit for your contribution.

So, let’s do this, Rangers! Mark your calendars for November 17th and let’s make this Ranger Walk the best one yet!

Go Rangers!